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Marcus' House System


The Marcus Coat of Arms combines the crests of each of the 5 houses: Audax, Erudito, Vezetes, Creativo, and Synergy.


Marcus Leadership Academy's House System

Inspired by Hogwarts and the Ron Clark Academy, Marcus instituted the House system in the fall of 2018.  Each student and staff member is sorted into one of 5 houses.  Each house represents one of the 5 core values we want to grow in our students: leadership, knowledge, confidence, creativity, and synergyThe House System encourages camaraderie and rivalry while creating opportunities for students to earn points each day as they exhibit the 7 Habits of Happy Kids.

When a student earns a point, it is combined with all other students' points within their house.  The house with the most total points at the end of the year is awarded the House Cup in an end-of-year ceremony.

Every Monday is House Spirit Day at Marcus and students and staff celebrate their house by dressing in their house's color.

Get to know the Houses




House of Erudito (Red) - Knowledge


The Crest of Audax showing a blue eagle


House of Audax (blue) - Confidence


Crest of Synergy showing a purple horned frog


House of Synergy (purple) - Teamwork


Crest of Creativo showing a green bear


House of Creativo (green) - Innovation


Crest of Vezetes showing an orange longhorn


House of Vezetes (orange) - Leadership


house crest with group photo of students below
House cup closeup
romero and 3rd grade under house color balloons
5 house shirts on teachers
among us house colors
teacher race at ceremony
RCA staff in house shirts